Saturday, April 12, 2014

Woohoo! Exciting News!

Hi Everyone!

I have some exciting news to share! Towards the end of last year, while flicking through a copy of Australian Simply Cards magazine, I came across the "Cardmaker of the Year 2013" competition.

It looked pretty straight forward, and the picture of the prizes looked fab... so I thought, "Why not? I might win a gift voucher or something!"

It was open to Australian and New Zealand residents, and I had to send three cards of any occasion/theme, which showed "initiative and original ideas... good use of both colour and style... a range of intermediate and advanced techniques... and should include up-to-date products and popular trends."

I had actually only found the article just before the due date, so without time to make anything special, I just sent off the last few cards I'd made. (They didn't have to be new)

Then I forgot about it... and didn't hear anything more for several months.

Roll on to the end on March, and I realised I had never received my cards back (I'd sent the SAE for return), so I rang Practical Publishing and enquired if they'd been sent out yet. The guy told me they'd been overwhelmed with responses so hadn't got them sent out yet, but that the winners had been notified the day before. If I hadn't received an email then I didn't win anything. I said, "oh no I wasn't expecting to win anything, I was just checking if the cards had been sent back yet."

Then I realised that I hadn't checked my emails for a couple of days... when I did, guess what was there??? YEP! An email from Simply Cards Magazine congratulating me on being a Runner-Up! Except I wasn't allowed to tell anyone until it was announced in the magazine. :)

And now here it is...  I am Shannah Bartle - Australian Cardmaker of the Year 2013 Runner-up ;)

Oh and the prize? A fabulous $500 worth of craft stash from the competition sponsors! Not bad at all! :) My cards, along with the winner and other fabulous runners-up are in the current (Issue 66) of Australian Simply Cards Magazine.

Thanks for letting me share my excitement... and if you're ever tempted to enter a competition just give it a go, you never know what could happen! :) Hope you all have a wonderful week!


Sandra H said...

What a lovely surprise well done xx

SemSee said...

Hugggggggggggge congrats Shannah!!!!!! You clever thing!! WOO-HOOOOOOO!!! So pleased for you. xxxx

Stephanie said...

That is awesome, congrats!

heidy said...

Congrats Shannah,well done!!
XXX Heidy

kiwimeskreations said...

Why am I not surprised? -
congratulations Shannah!