Already falling short of my New Year's Resolution to "Remember My Blog"!!!
Just want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR and wish everyone the absolute best for a Happy, Healthy and Successful 2009!
I personally am happy to be moving on from 2008 - year where my health failed me, I broke my ankles, I had 3 anaphylactic shock episodes (one nearly fatal), I have ballooned in weight due to the cocktail of steroids and other drugs, our house was struck by lightening (minimal damage thank goodness!), and being on one income has taken it's toll on our finances.
But I am thankful that we are still here... we survived it and feel grateful for all that we DO have - fabulous family, friends... and each other!
So I am definately ready for a New Year and a New Start!! Life will be better this year - I'm determined!
I hope 2009 is a wonderful year for you all!!!
With Love and Warmest Wishes,

Just want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR and wish everyone the absolute best for a Happy, Healthy and Successful 2009!
I personally am happy to be moving on from 2008 - year where my health failed me, I broke my ankles, I had 3 anaphylactic shock episodes (one nearly fatal), I have ballooned in weight due to the cocktail of steroids and other drugs, our house was struck by lightening (minimal damage thank goodness!), and being on one income has taken it's toll on our finances.
But I am thankful that we are still here... we survived it and feel grateful for all that we DO have - fabulous family, friends... and each other!
So I am definately ready for a New Year and a New Start!! Life will be better this year - I'm determined!
I hope 2009 is a wonderful year for you all!!!
With Love and Warmest Wishes,

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and entering for my candy. Thank you for the link on your site as well. My "sisters" are all loving this extra traffic they are getting. Maybe I am starting a new trend!!?! Hope you have a great day and good luck on the drawing.
Awwww...that is certainly a rough year Shannah. BUT, you also had a great year in the 'new friends' department! (((hugs))) and here is to a wonderful 2009!
Wow, you did have a heck of a year mate!!! ;) Good thing you have great frinds like the chat box chicks! Hugs and luv!!
glad we could all be friends! here's to 2009, and this time, listen to the people who live in your Hugs.
You won my blog candy, card candy Shannah! Sorry, I was a bit slow drawing it! If you let me know your address I will be happy to send it on!
Adding my wishes that 2009 will be a better year for you (can't think of a more deserving recipient)
Love your blog header - beautiful!
Keep smiling,
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